British Sleuths Find Buried Treasure
Metal detecting is a popular hobby in Britain, with clubs across the country. In the past year, detectorists, as they are called in Britain, have made big finds, valuable both in financial and archaeological terms.
Roger Mintey struck it rich. These are a few of the 6,000 gold and silver coins he found while metal detecting in southeast England some years back.
These are all pure gold," he said. Mintey made about a quarter of a million dollars from the find. The coins date from the 13th to 15th centuries, and offer insight about that period."You can see on this coin, a ship and the king. Symbolic to remember everyone, even our enemies, that England was a great power," he added
Frist I look picture only. I think Truffe but 6,000 gold.
I did not think that there must be these kind of things either.